“Suffolk punches in the ring at Henham steam rally” YANA day 65 of 100

The Suffolk horse is now an endangered rare breed but for hundreds of years it was used by farmers to till the fields. The Suffolk punch is always chesnut in colour and is well built with a strong arching neck, wide back and strong croup. The legs are short and strong and there is little in the way of feathering. I’ve tried to create the sense of weight, yes this gelding weighs around 1000kg.

“Traction engine and rack saw” YANA day 64 of 100

I had an all too brief visit to Henham steam rally yesterday. I had seen David and his rack saw a few weeks earlier at the Brampton plough day so it was nice to see him again and to have a great chat.

David was sawing a trunk of speculated beech into thick planks which will later be turned into cutting blocks.

His rack saw was being driven by belt from a 100 year old traction engine.